1. Installation of New Service Connection
  2. Re-opening of Service Connection
  3. Re-connection of Service Connection
  4. Repair of Service Connection
    1. Transfer of connection
    2. Relocation of water meter
    3. Re-tapping
    4. Replacement of gate valve, faucets, gasket, shower head
    5. Replacement broken service connection
    6. Replacement of lost water meter
    7. Meter calibration
    8. Cutting and pavement restoration
    9. Other Maintenance Works
    10. Intensive Flushing

  5. Issuance of Customer Ledger
  6. Issuance of Statement of Account
  7. Re-classification of Billing Category
  8. Application for Change/Transfer of Name
  9. Application for Senior Citizen's Discount
  10. Collection of Payment

* All these services are processed through PrimeWater(PW).