Septage Management Program (SMP) aims to improve urban sanitation and the environment through the reduction of domestic wastewater pollution load that will eventually find its way to bodies of water including water sources. The inevitable urbanization that goes with population growth results in an increase of sludge generation. If it remains unabated, the health and welfare of the present and future generation will be compromised.

SMP addresses the reduction of pollution from domestic waste water by properly maintaining the treatment effectiveness of the septic tank, the most common and predominant treatment facility for human axcreta and wastewater from toilets of residences and buildings. Towards this end, SMP endeavors to accomplish; desludging, treatment and disposal of sludge.

The clean water act of 2004 (RA 9275) and its IRR of 2005 and the Code of Sanitation of the Philippines (PD 856) and its IRRs of 1995 and 2004 provide the regulatory framework for sewerage and septage management programs.

The Water District Law (PD 198) and the local Government Code (RA 7160) reinforce the program framework for implementation.

It is good to note that the Clean Water Act provides a comprehensive national water quality program to protect, preserve, and revive the quality of the country's fresh, brakish, and marine waters. The Act also provides; (a) formation of the water quality management area led by the DENR-EMB; (b) development and implementation of the National Sewerage and Septage Management (NSSMP) led by DPWH, focused on septage and sewerage infrastructures for the urban cores of the cities and municipalities; and (c) mandating the water district to responsible for the sewerage facilities and septage management program in their area of jurisdiction.

On June2, 2016, Sorsogon City Water District (SCWD) and PrimeWater Infrastucture Corp. (PWIC) executed a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) for the financing,development, rehabilitation, expansion,, improvement, operation and maintenance of the water supply and septage system of Sorsogon City.

With the present positive economic development in the City of Sorsogon, despite the pandemic and considering the letters of JVA, PWIC has the responsibility to implement, at the earliest possible time, the long awaited Septage Management Program. Rest assured that SCWD will be supportive and cooperative if only for SMP to be a reality, if only to sustain the city's status as a better place to live in. After all in recent months, PWIC demonstrated true resolve to be fully compliant with its service obligations.