The operation of water system necessitates major requirements - quality and quantity of water and efficiency of the system. The lack of even one of these requirements is detrimental to the interest and wellfare of water concessionaires; it will cause dissatisfactions expressed nowadays in social media.
The Sorsogon City Water Distric (SCWD) thru Primewater Infrastructure Corp. has instituted major reforms to address the issues. The improvements done were validated by water consumers themeselves thru the dramatic increase of satisfaction ratings.
This paper intends to discuss the said requirements one by one. For this issue, the discussion will dwell on the present quality of water in the city.
There are (3) water tests being conducted to assure the quality of the water, namely - Chlorine Residual Test, Bacteriological Test and Physical/Chemical whish is being done daily, monthly, and semi-annually, respectively. The results of these tests should and must comply with Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW).
For the daily Chlorine Residual Test, the results should be between 0.30 ppm to 1.5 ppm at any given point in the system. It is good to note that from a measly 30% complaint for year 2019, the figures now reach as high as 80% complaint.
This was attained thru the institution of an hourly and definite adjustments of chlorinators at water sources. The sustainability, consistency and improvements of these figures, however, remains a challenge. The infusion of chlorine was made to vary deoending on the volume of water being extracted and pressure of the pipeline. Diligence on the part of pump operators is vital.
SCWD also gave directives for the installation of additional chlorinators at strategic locations to fully satisfy the requirements for chlorine residual. Primewater, having installed two (2) additional in-line chlorinators, has yet to fully comply with the directive. Installation of additional filters to arrest primarily excessive content of iron and manganese, considered to be long-term solution, still remains to be implemented.
For the requirements on turbidity of water, the results stand at 80% to 100% compliant.
The monthly Bacteriological Test are very encouraging. Latest figures reveal that samples taken were 70% to 90% compliant.
The latest Physical and Chemical tests of water in the city were found to be compliant. The parameters considered are Thermotolerant Coliform, E. Coli, Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Nitrate (NO3), Color (Apparent), Turbidity, pH, Total Dissolve Solids and Disinfectant Residual. the tests were conducted in a LWUA accredited laboratory in Quezon City, Manila.
The SCWD also institutionalized the conduct of Oplan Linis Tubo. This activity aims to clean the internal portion of the pipelines from bio-films that have been accumulated for years that causes water discoloration especially after low-pressure episodes. As of this writing, SCWD, Primewater and Abejo Water Corporation have successfully conducted Oplan in nine (9) areas in the city. The possitive comments and appreciation of consessionaires have added reasons for us to conduct the activity whole year-round with at least one area cleaned every month.
SCWD thru Primewater and Abejo Water Corporation will relentlessly pursue towards full compliant with PNSDW.