Influence area of AWC is the west district of the city while CWD supplies Abuyog, Buhatan, and portion of Cabid-an.
Given the numerous variables that affect production of water, SCWD thru its partner, Primewater, should and must develop more water sources. If only to sustain the daily demands of the city. Considering that pumping stations contribute the largest volume and considering also that it is heavily dependent on continuous and uninterrupted power supply which until now still remains a chcallenge even without calamity, developing more sources is indeed imperative.
While it is true that the present expected water production stands higher than the daily demands, under normal cirmustances, intermittent water supply in some areas of the city is still prevalent. this will lead us to conclude that the Non-Revenue Water (NRW) and the efficiency of the system still needs to be addressed by surplus production to answer present and urgent water demands. Once NRW be reduced to an acceptable level of 20% and that the system be more efficient, some of those sources may in fact be put in stand-by mode - ready to be commissioned once other PS breaks down; ready to be used by future water consumers.
The latest figure on NRW still stands at an average of 34.46%. While it is true that there is an improvement on the figure, still it is higher than the acceptable industry average.
It is good to note that SCWD thru its partner PrimeWater, recently opened a new pumping station at San Lorenzo, Bibincahan. PrimeWater is currently working on another water source in the same area to further boost water supply in the east portion of the city. AWC, with the support of SCWD, also contributed additional pumping station in St. Raphael Subdivision, Pangpang last year with an average of 1,200 cu.m. yield. Another pumping station at Cabid-an located in the gernment center is currently being developed by SCWD, expected to contribute 1,500 cubic meters daily.
The quantity of water is vital. Good water supply will always begin with an appropriate quantity of water any given circumstance