The Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 (R.A.9485) imposes staff penalty on fixers: imprisonment not exceeding six years or a fine of not more than Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (200,000.00), or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.
Report the name of fixer, name and location of Government office, date and time of transaction to the following:
Civil Service Commission
0917-TEXTCSC 8398272 (02) 932-0111
Office of the Ombudsman
Office Hours
Monday to Friday 08:00AM to 12:00NN 01:00PM to 05:00PM
As the water service provider for Sorsogon City, SCWD, through the guidance of its Board of Directors, the leadership of its Interim General Manager Engr. Eduardo P. tejada and the support of its partners Abejo Waters Corp. and PrimeWater Infrastructure Corp. continue to support the efforts of the National and Local Governments in the battle to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by promoting proper handwashing and donating foot-operated handwash stations citywide.