Public handwashing stations were donated by SCWD to two fellow government agencies which are on the forefront of the continuing battle against the COVID-19 pandemic in the province of Sorsogon.

Department of Education (DepEd) Schools Division of Sorsogon City and Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Sorsogon Provincial Field Office each received a set of handwashing facility from the SCWD through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program on May 27 and June 5, 2020, respectively.

DepEd and DOLE employees, clients and visitors now enjoy access to strong water supply for handwashing prior to transacting their businesses with the two agencies both located at City Hall Complex, Barangay Cabid-an, Sorsogon City.

SCWD Engr. Alejandro L. Alama and Schools Division Superintendent William E. Gando (in red)
Schools Division Superintendent William E. Gando conveyed his appreciation to SCWD Interim General Manager Engr. Eduardo P. Tejada for graciously accommodating the request for a handwashing facility, which is also aligned with the WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) program of the Education department.

SCWD Engr. Alejandro L. Alama and DOLE Sorsogon Provincial Field Officer Marilyn L. Luzuriaga.
For her part, DOLE Sorsogon Provincial Field Officer Marilyn L. Luzuriaga also thanked SCWD for providing the facility which would help maintain a safe and healthy work environment as mandated by DOLE Administrative Order No. 117 S. 2020.

The two portable facilities were installed and tapped to existing water lines of DepEd and DOLE through the assistance of plumbers from PrimeWater-Sorsogon City.

SCWD has been partnering with the DepEd in its annual Brigada Eskwela Initiative in preparation for every coming school year while DOLE has been providing support to the livelihood programs of SCWD-organized peoples’ organization UNLAD San Jose of Barangay San Jose (Maricrum), Bacon District.