Spring sources are oftentimes used for domestic water supply. Its advantages include, but not limited to, high water quality, very little operation and maintenance cost, low construction cost and high reliability. Some of the disadvantages, however, are unstable flow, mostly dependent on rainfall, increase of yield is not possible, some risk of contamination, possibiility of spring disappearance and location not easily accessible.

As per definition, a natural spring is a special type of groundwater source where pressurized water emerges form the ground in a steady flow. All natural springs are the result of an aquafer which consists of rock and other materials such as gravel, sand and silt. A spring may be ephemeral (intermittent) or perenial (continuous). Springs can be developed by enlarging the water outlet and constructing an intake structure for catchment, storage and eventually distribution.

The protection of springs from contamination can be improved by restricting land-use practices aorund the spring recharge area, ususally on higher ground near the spring. The recharge area may, however, be located far from the spring. A well preserved, protected and maintained spring source provides better tasting water due to the natural filtration process and the presence of naturally occuring minerals.

The SCWD thru PrimeWater is currently operating and maintaining with five (5) spring sources: Alinao 1, Alinao 3, Anahaw, Matacla 1 & 2 and Matacla 3. For the year 2021, these spring sources yiled 523,743 cubic meters of safe water that accounts for 10.77% of the total water production.

For the past years, the said spring sources, considered as ephemeral, demonstrated a pattern in terms of production. The highest yield is usually recorded in month of January. The productionis substantial, until the month of June to Nevember, hence, the low production.

During the recharging episode of the subject springs, the west area of the city is affected. The SCWD thru its partners is currently developing more water sources to address this inevitable occurance. The newly-developed and now operating St. Raphael Pumping Station and the on-going development of San Lorenzo Pumping Station are all intended to address the perenial problem.

It is expected that before the year 2022 ends, more water sources will be operational. Intermittent water supply in some areas will soon become things of the past, granting that PrimeWater, our contractor and agent, will successfully implement the so-called catch-up plan.

Failure on the part of PrimeWater to fully deliver its service obligations, including additional water sources, may prompt the Board of Directors and Management to consider other options available in the Joint Venture Agreement.