The management of Sorsogon City I District recently directed its paftners I- Primewater Infrastructure Corp. aOd Abejo Waters Corp. to conduct massive cleaning of the interior walls of pipelines where hlgh deposits of biofilms were evident during actual examination. This is one of the root causes of dirty water in some poftions of the city, especially every after water supply interruptions.

The said biofilms inside the pipelines are considered inevitable, but nevertheless can be minimized so as not to cause colored water. The action of chlorine with other chemicals piesent in water also contributes to the build-up of said biofilms. Hence, the need for its immediate removal. The usual flushing out of water at blow-offs and hydrants when there are complaints of dirty water proved to be insufficient.

SCWD identified two pilot areas, where water quality issues are too prevalent to be ignored, namely - St. Raphael Subdivision and Villa Alegre Subdivision. Procedures and processes were agreed upon during extensive discussions in coordination meetings. Ideas, suggestions and recommendations from our paftners were all considered to come up with an air-tight plan to execute the activity. No stone left unturned, if only to assure the success of the activity and to safeguard the welfare of affected concessionaires.

The 24-hour massive pipeline clean-up requires extensive planning, preparations and infor- mation dissemination. It is good to note that the suppoft of Barangay Officials and their constituents are readily glven. Other government agencies such as the Bureau of Fire and LGU-Sorsogon City thru Public Safety Office also extended helping hands. SCWD cannot thank them enough

The massive pipeline clean-up will be recommended by the Management to be institutionalized after the success of the activity in the said two pilot areas. Once approved by the Board, It will form part of the District's policies to be implemented by our paftners and to be known aS "OPLAN LINIS TUBO".

SCWD will always exeft maximum effofts to finally attain that level of delivering safe water compliant to the Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water (PNSDW). SCWD intends to further improve thatT0o/o Satisfaction Rating attained last year.