The 2021 celebration of World Water Day aptly adopted the theme: Valuing Water. It seeks to focus not only on the importance of water but also awareness on the global water crisis. It also seeks to advocate sustainable water supply management.
The celebration of World Water Day gently reminds us that we should value water and protect its sources. In our own little ways we can be of help. Conserving water in our day to day activities will be more than enough contribution to the global efforts to provide everyone with safe water.
Valuing water may come in different forms. Helping your water district curb the so-called Non Revenue Water will also be an enormous boost in saving one of the most important commodities: water. We can do this by doing simple things like reporting leakages and illegal connections. Time and again we have been advocating that sustainable water supply is not only the responsibility of your water district and its partners but also of the consumers themselves. If we play indifference, we cannot expect sustainable safe-water supply. Water consumers should be active in saving and conserving water. After all they are the real owners of the SCWD’s vast water system. SCWD officials and employees, including its partners, are mere caretakers, operators and regulators.
For the coming second and third quarter of this year, it is expected that the District’s spring sources will provide lesser output. While it is true that we developed additional sources and are still working on some more, it is imperative for us to be extra conscious of our water usage, if only to demonstrate that we value water. Like any other resources, water can be exhausted. Again, doing simple things and simple observance of “Tipid Tubig Tips” will be an enormous help.
The present pandemic has given more emphasis on the value of water. More than ever, water is not just for quenching our thirst. It is a powerful agent to prevent infection and transmission of the dreaded Coronavirus.
Indeed, we should value water. Water is life.